Wednesday, August 24

FNO: Mark Your Calendars!

If you follow me on Tumblr, Facebook, or Twitter, you know that I've been plastering this homemade poster everywhere so you know to come see me as a Featured Blogger at Cincinnati's Fashion's Night Out.

But on the off chance that you live under a rock of ugly clothing you've missed it, here it is again, in more detail, and more hoittie toittie vernacular

Fashion’s Night Out
Saks Fifth Avenue
Sept. 8, 6-8pm

Join Stylelist, Saks Fifth Avenue, Cincy Chic and The Fagazine at the 2011 Fashion's Night Out. This fun and fabulicious event event will feature pop-up shops, a live band, DJ, complimentary drinks and hors d'oeuvres, and a blogger lounge. Now, I know you're all tired of seeing my ugly mug, and the unrealistically beautiful mugs of models and celebrities I post here all the time. Here's what you can do to change it: Come see yours truly in the Blogger Lounge in Saks Fifth Avenue on the night of FNO dressed in your most sartorially liberated outfit. The pictures are always more interesting if you are inebriated, and what do you know, there are complimentary drinks! So come down to Saks, imbibe, shop, and pose for me! What more can you ask for on a Thursday night? Nothing, that's what. 

See you there!



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