Fads are always emerging in fashion, usually I don't take them into account when considering what's hot from season to season. (I mean hello, do you remember when UGG boots were all over Hollywood? Sin.) But there is one trend that I am fully on board with this season and its culmination was brought about by none other than Leandra Medine, The Man Repeller.
I'm thoroughly excited about the fact that my "more is more" mentality is now being appreciated when it comes to accessorizing.
The creativity that this fad allows is the reason it is becoming a full blown trend, the more unique the jewelry the trendier your wrist is. I've seen "arm parties" that include tigers, serpents, and leopard prints. That's a zoo I'd be happy to visit.
These are the gilded wrists of Rachel Strugatz, Accessories Editor of Women's Wear Daily. She is ready for fashion battle, and I don't even know what that battle involves. At least she's ready though, right?
Real friends don't just party together, they arm party.
So, are you going to hop on the party train? I should hope so.
PS: Have you seen the new information on The Fagazine's Facebook page? You might want to take a look, some exciting stuff is on the horizon you won't want to miss!
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