Get it? "Come tumbl away" instead of come sail away!
I'm hilarious, I know.
I also am on vacation, and will continue to be in said state until Saturday the 23rd. But fear not.
Just because I don't have time to post on The Fagazine doesn't mean I'm not posting on my Mini-Blog!
Go to my tumblr, and get your fill of me.
You'll see wonderful pictures that catch my eye, and quotes galore. And I can do it all from my Blackberry!
You hear that Blogspot? Get your shit together and make a Blackberry app so I can blog in detail on the go.
Gwen Stefani's children are ridiculously stylish.
Tom Ford perfection.
Miu Miu is what I want my bed made out of.
Here is a link to my tumblr one more time in case you forgot about the first one already... Okay bye.
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