Here is Heather Morris's video for Esquire Magazine. (But Still.)
I will never read this magazine, because they're clearly a bunch of douche bags.
They make it very clear that none of their readers are gay enough to watch Glee in the article.
Fuck you Esquire.
Don't try and fool your readers into thinking watching a show about acceptance and ridiculous scenarios is okay! Stick to scratching your decaying balls and playing smear the queer. Ignorant hetero's are a dying breed. Let me be the first to see you assholes off. You should all be quarantined with Donald Trump and his hair in one of is overly opulent towers that attest to why this country is financially fucked.
My soap box is crumbled. I put it back under my bed.
Heather Morris is a diva. Despite her hilariously idiotic character on Glee.
Which is on tomorrow. For 90 minutes.
And the theme is "Born this Way" by Gaga.
Will I blog about said episode of Glee?
You bet your sweet ass.
Enjoy this video. She's fierce.
Yes, it looks like single ladies. It's okay. She danced for Beyonce.
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